Episode 16. The Power of Sex Ed (ft. Marla Renee Stewart)
It's the Season Two Finale, and we couldn't be more excited to share this conversation with our special guest Marla Renee Stewart of Velvet Lips LLC. Marla is a world-renowned sexologist, sex coach, and sex educator who specializes in helping everyday people own their authentic sexual selves. For this episode, Dr. G and Marla chop it up about diversity in Blackness, queerness, and the possibilities of sex ed when imagined in pop culture. A fabulous end to an amazing season!
Episode Transcripts are delayed, but will be forthcoming as soon as possible.
Guest Bio:
Marla Renee Stewart, MA is a professional sexologist, speaker, author and sexual strategist. She is the owner of Velvet Lips, a sexuality education company, as well as Contract Liberation, a company focused on research for non-profit groups. She also is a Lecturer at Clayton State University, teaching Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies. As the Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference, Marla aims to bring diverse groups together to learn and share their experiences in the essence of being authentic and fostering sexual liberation across communities. Marla has studied human sexuality for over 20 years, has educated over 30,000 people in over 14 years, given over 500 workshops, and have served over 100 clients in her private practice, all around the world. She has had her influence in the media, as well; she has written over 200 articles, featured in over 30 magazines and books, and has been on over 70 podcasts and independent television shows. She was featured on Netflix’s Trigger Warning with Killer Mike and VH1's Love & HipHop Atlanta. In addition, she also sits on the Boards for SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW! and is on the Community Advisory Board of the Diverse Sexualities and Research Education Institute. She co-wrote her first book, The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay (2020) with Dr. Jessica O’Reilly and is currently writing a chapter and co-editing An Intersectional Approach to Sex Therapy, coming in 2021.